
Appointment of Nic Najar As Town Planner

November, 2020|

We wish to congratulate and applaud Nic’s achievement at being elevated to the position of Town Planner at TPI.  For someone relatively young, it is gratifying to the Directors and others, to have such talent on our team. Nic worked hard for his new role and this promotion will bring all kinds of [...]

Does your property have the benefit of Existing Use Rights?

March, 2019|

Clients often seek our advice as to whether or not their property enjoys ‘existing use rights’. Now, they may not use the expression ‘existing use rights’ or speak in terms of there being an ‘existing use’ but the issue often arises. The topic is by no means an academic or theoretical one, [...]

The Valuation of Land

December, 2018|

Robert Croft Holdings Pty Ltd v Valuer General [2018] NSWLEC 190.Turnbull Planning International has experience in the planning and legal aspects of matters relating to the compulsory acquisition of land, the valuation of land, and the payment of compensation.Recently, the Director and Legal Counsel of our firm, Mr Pierre Le Bas, was involved [...]

When is a development application ‘finally determined’?

September, 2018|

Author(s): Dr. Ian Ellis-Jones & Pierre Le BasThis is no academic issue. Often, when an environmental planning instrument or other statutory instrument comes into force and repeals or amends some earlier instrument dealing with the same or similar subject-matter, the new instrument contains a savings and transitional provision stating that the provisions of [...]

Do Minimum Lot Size Requirements Apply In The Case of a Strata Subdivision

July, 2017|

Author(s): Dr. Ian Ellis-Jones & Pierre Le Bas Subdivision of land means the division of land into two or more parts that, after the division, would be obviously adapted for separate occupation, use or disposition: see sections 4(1) and 4B of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW) (the ‘EPA Act’). Strata [...]

Welcome to Sophie Litherland

February, 2017|

We are very pleased to let you know that Sophie Litherland has recently been employed by this firm as a Senior Associate. Sophie holds a degree in Urban and Regional Planning from UNE and a Graduate Diploma in Sustainable Development at UNSW. Sophie’s experience commenced in Local Government where she spent 7 [...]

Anomalies in Statutory Construction

October, 2016|

We recently had a situation where advice by Council planners was being questioned by a client located on the South Coast of New South Wales. The development involved and related to, an existing approval to erection of a detached dual occupancy. The client was interested in obtaining development consent to a land subdivision, [...]

Categorisation and Permissibility of Uses

September, 2016|

Dr Ian Ellis-Jones conducted a briefing session on Categorisation & Permissibility of Uses at our office today. A summary of the paper is provided below. Development is always carried on for one or more purposes. The task of correctly categorising the purpose or purposes of a particular use or development proposal is a [...]

Welcome to Rachel Cook

June, 2016|

We are very pleased to let you know that Rachel Cook has recently been employed by this firm as a Town Planner. Rachel holds a Bachelor’s degree in Regional and Town Planning from the University of Queensland and a Masters degree in Environmental Management, majoring in resource conservation from the University of [...]